Thursday, March 27, 2025

existed as a state only through and for the Torah,

Israel should be one nation, an entire nation that should have no other foundation for its existence, survival, activity and significance other than this Torah. It is to see the realization and devoted observance of this God-given "fiery Law" as its one contribution in world history for the edifice of human salvation. What the Phoenicians sought to bring about with the keels of their ships, what the ancient Greeks sought to achieve with their chisels and what the ancient Romans sought to attain with their swords, Israel is to accomplish with its Torah. Nay more, Israel is a nation that became a nation only through and for the Torah, a nation that once owned a land and existed as a state only through and for the Torah, and which possessed that land and that statehood only as instruments for translating the Torah into living reality. This is why Israel was a people even before it possessed land and statehood; this, too, is why Israel survived as a people even after its land was destroyed and its statehood lost, and this is why it will survive as a nation as long as it does not lose this only מורשה, this sole foundation for its survival and significance. That is the kind of nation that Israel, that all of us, should be. 

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch "The Character of the Jewish Community," Collected Writings, Vol. VI, p. 35

Monday, March 24, 2025

Rabbinic counseling and the decision to move to Israel

Rabbinic counseling and the decision to move to Israel


For years I asked rabbis their opinion on whether or not I should move to Israel. I got two types of responses. The Modern Orthodox rabbis always said to go as if there were no factors in the decision. It could only be good. This reflects their childhood conditioning, their misunderstanding about the optional nature of the mitzvah of living in Israel, their ignorance about the place, and their refusal to listen to even Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik who advised most people not to move there. Yeshivish rabbis would only ask, “Can you earn a parnassah there?” That seemed to be the only issue that they knew of.

But there are so many more. “Do you speak Hebrew?” would be a good question. You cannot function in a society whose language you don’t speak. If you are above the age of forty, you aren’t likely to learn conversational Hebrew. Even after thirty it’s difficult. You will not be able to earn a decent parnassah if you don’t speak Hebrew, so the two questions go together. Many olim take essentially sweat shop level jobs, working American hours for minimum wage, sometimes at home on the Internet (in front of their children who get drawn into the Internet) because of their inability to speak Hebrew. The nerves wear thin when you can’t read leases, utility bills, or scary letters from the government, not to mention being unable to help children with their math homework or have a conversation with 90% of the people you meet.

Another question is, can you deal with Israelis? They are not easy to deal with. Go to Queens and spend some time around Israelis and determine if you can handle their aggressiveness, argumentativeness, and extreme views. You can’t move to Latvia if you don’t like being around Latvians.

Can you deal with militarism? There are soldiers everywhere. This can be an off-putting sight for a New Yorker or Californian. America has a big military, but it’s not part of daily life in Jewish parts of the country. In Israel, the military might close roads or declare a region off limits for the week, which causes cancellation of your child’s occasional school trip. Clocks show military time, and people are militaristic, i.e. bossy. Fighter jets fly overhead every day. The military is everywhere, and the news is full of articles about the army, war, and soldiers getting hurt.

Can you deal with religious extremism? In Israel, the Dati Leumi or Modern Orthodox are to the left of Teaneck, and the Haredim are of the no-secular studies, no blue shirts variety. If you are a middle of the road kind of person, you can feel very lonely here.

Are your kids above the age of 3? If they are, don’t go. It’s too late. The adjustment puts them at risk. Olim parents don’t have to sit in Israeli schools and deal with the bullying, not just of the other students but the teachers. Shouting is daily. The schools like everything are also militaristic. Children who don’t grow up with that, aren’t likely to be able to adjust to it. If your child is aidel (gentle), then all the more so, this is not the place for him or her.

Can you deal with the small size of the place? The country starts effectively in Beer Sheva. South of there is desert. It’s a two-hour drive to Haifa, another hour to Lebanon. That’s the length of the country. The width is one-hour. And even within that limited space are all the dangerous parts that you must avoid. You will find yourself going to the same places over and over again, particularly if you don’t have a car. Will that bore you? That’s a factor. News alert: happiness is a factor in life. Sad-faced religious parents don’t inspire children to pursue Orthodox Judaism.

Can you deal with the huge drop in standard of living? In Israel, housing is three times the price of most of America, and that’s for small apartments. For equivalent housing, it’s more like ten times the price. Cars are double the price as is gas. Yet, income is less than a third of what Jews typically earn. For olim it’s even less. Can you live in a small space, without a yard, without a car, taking the bus (waiting for the bus), with no vacations, etc?

Are you Yeshivish or Chassidish? Historically, your sons had two options, the military, which the gadolim told them to stay clear from, and learning Talmud all day and night to maintain their draft exemption. Would they be productive? You can destroy a boy by putting him a situation that’s not appropriate for him. Is your son a learner or should he be working? The Israeli government won’t let them work.

But even that difficult choice is moot now for, officially, there is no exemption anymore. The court nullified it. The government is coming after everybody, may HaShem save us from them. Can you handle that? Israelis are built out of steel wool, so the strain and worry doesn’t bother them as much. But if you are a nice law-abiding American, Canadian, or Englishman, the strain can kill you.

Do you have medical issues? The medical care in Israel is vastly inferior to that of the USA. (I can’t speak about Canada, England, or Belgium.) You can wait six months to see a surgeon here, four months for an MRI. Most procedures take place only in a hospital since they don’t have surgical centers, yet many large cities lack hospitals. With medical care in particular, after you move to Israel you realize how good you used to have it.

Do you have family and friends in chutz? Being a world apart geographically puts tremendous strain on people. Ah, you are thinking that moving to Israel is “going home,” yet you might find yourself deeply homesick for the people you care about or simply can relate to. You aren’t likely to replace them in Israel. You’ll be lucky to get a Shabbos invitation now and again, usually with an American.

Can you handle all of the fighting between groups, even religious groups? In chutz, there is strain, but there is plenty of intermingling and overlap. In Israel, each group pretends that the others don’t exist except when getting into fist fights with them.

These are some of the factors. There are many more. You want to say that this is all negative? There are positive aspects to the place that you have heard about in exaggerated fashion a thousand times. You don't need me to talk about them. If they don’t outweigh the negative ones for you, then you best stay where you are.

Know also that Rabbis Moshe Feinstein and Joseph Soloveitchik held that living in Israel is an optional mitzvah even according to the Ramban. It is not an obligation. Rabbi Soloveitchik explained that mitzvos are no better if done in Israel. Thus, the wearing of tefillin in Greenland, is just as effective as wearing them in Israel. So the question is, will you lose mitzvos by moving to Israel? Many people have less time for Torah study and less resources for chesed and find that their middos decline. Overall, they are less productive and happy. For some, this is not the case. It depends on the person. Rabbi Soloveitchik and the Lubavitcher Rebbe counseled people to live where they can do the most good. 

Rabbis need to know about all this in order to counsel people. Just as they need to know basic laws of kashrus, they need to know about specific issues in the huge decision of whether or not to move to Israel. It’s a decision that is difficult to reverse, so it must be made with extreme care and good counsel.


Sunday, March 23, 2025

Fifth Rebbe of Lubavitch on Zionism

Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber Schneersohn, Fifth Rebbe of Lubavitch, Russia (1866-1920)

רבי שלום דובער שניאורסאן זצ"ל אדמו"ר מליובאוויטש

Since the days of the Tower of Babel, there has been no defilement in the world like the defilement of Zionism. (Es Nisayon p. 3)

I received your letter, and my soul is very sorry to see that the people are still listening to the wicked speakers who destroy the vineyard of Israel, may G-d spare us, by spreading the poisonous Zionist doctrine. This doctrine contains deadly poison that burns the soul, may G-d spare us. Their shame has already been revealed in public and their heresy and wickedness is already visible to all. (Igros Kodesh, letter 130)

Their plan to gather the Jewish people together with their own power will never be; and all their strength, their many strategies and efforts will not work or have any success against the will of G-d. (ibid.)

Whoever twists the meaning of the Torah and finds proofs to Zionism from the Torah, and especially from the Hidden Torah, is like one who places an idol in the Temple. G-d will not forgive him. May G-d in His great mercy remove this accursed doctrine from among the Jewish people, and inspire their hearts to repent to Him in truth. (ibid.)

Those who assist these Zionists will pay on the Day of Judgment, for they are abetting those who cause the masses to sin. Therefore, whoever is for G-d and His Torah will not join the evildoers and will not extend his hand to them. On the contrary, he will oppose them as much as possible. And until it is G-d‟s will to redeem us, we must accept the yoke of exile to atone for our sins. (Ohr Layesharim, p. 54)

We strongly oppose Zionism for religious reasons and for the sake of peace with our country. In the name of G-d and in the name of the holy Torah, we warn our brethren – all who have the fear of G-d in their hearts – to separate from the doctrine of Zionism entirely and to avoid their company. (Igros Kodesh p. 222)

Even if these men were loyal to G-d and His Torah, and even if there were a chance that they would achieve their goal, we must not listen to them in this matter, to make our redemption with our own power. Is it not forbidden even to force the end with excessive prayer? All the more so that with power and worldly methods, that is, to leave exile by force, we are not permitted... And this is against our true hope: that G-d will bring us the messiah soon and our redemption will come through G-d Himself. (Ohr Layesharim, p. 57)

And if the movement takes on this form, to go out of the exile by force and to redeem themselves with their own strength – this is something no believer in Torah and its commandments can ever do on his own, for this runs against the Jewish people's strong faith and hope for their redemption with the coming of the messiah, when they will be redeemed physically and spiritually and will be elevated to the highest degree. Only with this deeply ingrained hope can they find rest, and only with this have they lived during their bitter exile, encouraging themselves through Torah and observance. They will not be satisfied with the promises of Herzl and Nordau, who promise them their own state and a good physical life - even if we would fool ourselves into thinking that they could accomplish this. (Kuntres Umayan Mibeis Hashem, p. 50)

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

what your heart desires

 Shevet Mussar (1:13) teaches, "I will now tell you an idea that you should chase. It is life for your soul and a necklace around your neck: Your primary study in Torah should always be what your heart desires. If it is Gemara, let it be Gemara. If it is drush, let it be drush. If it is the path of remez or kabbalah, follow your desire. As it states that hints This .כי אם בתורת ה' חפצו ,(1:2 Tehillim( Torah study is dependent on חפצו, what the individual wants to study. As the Arizal (Shaar HaGilgulim 3) teaches, 'There are people who desire the realm of pshat in Torah. Some prefer drush or remez. Some like to study gematriyos or kabbalah. [These desires are] dependent on why he came to the world this time as a gilgul. In his previous lives, he completed his soul with the other parts of Torah. It isn't necessary to study all parts of Torah in every gilgul.'" The Shevet Mussar concludes, "Don’t pay attention to those who will oppose you when they see your desire to study pshat, or drash, etc., and they will ask you, 'Why are you spending all your days in this section of Torah? Why don't you study other sections?' Because you came to the world to focus on the parts of Torah you enjoy studying." In Rabbi Biderman

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Vandalism in Afula: Who’s Trying to Stop the New Chabad House?


A shocking act of vandalism has struck the soon-to-open Chabad Etchalta Center in Afula’s industrial zone. In the dead of night, unknown perpetrators defaced and destroyed the newly erected signs announcing the grand opening, sending shockwaves through the local Jewish community. 


A shocking act of vandalism has struck the soon-to-open Chabad Etchalta Center in Afula’s industrial zone. In the dead of night, unknown perpetrators defaced and destroyed the newly erected signs announcing the grand opening, sending shockwaves through the local Jewish community. 

Rabbi Amir Halevi, the Rebbe’s Shliach and director of the new center, arrived at the site in the morning, only to be met with a scene of devastation.

“This is not just an attack on property. This is an attack on everything we stand for—love, unity, and kindness,” he declared. “Whoever did this has harmed the Rebbe himself!”