Clearly labeled as avodah zarah by Gedolei Yisroel
Rosh Yeshivas Tifrach,Harav Aviezer Piltz shlit”a recently spoke at an Asifa. He noted that thousands of years of persecution have not broken Am Yisroel, and neither will the current persecution at the hands of the Zionist rulers. He said that the obsession of the Zionists and their followers on the primacy of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel was clearly labeled as avodah zarah by Gedolei Yisroel, and that although many could not understand their harsh opposition to Zionism at the time, today it is clearly understandable to all who have eyes to see.
He cited the Chazon Ish zy”a who stated that unfortunately far from heralding the geulah, the Zionist state will not advance the coming of Moshiach at all and Moshiach will have no association with any of their projects. Similarly, Harav Shach ztz”l, would observe the celebrations of “Yom Yerushalayim” and cry out, “Treif!”
Harav Piltz also addressed the growing interference of Misrad Hachinuch in chareidi education. “They no longer allow us to teach our children about Akeidas Yitzchok, about Beriyas Haolam – baruch Hash-m that there are still people who stand up to them…”
Kol Demama, Shemini

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