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Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Sunday, July 24, 2022
you don't live forever
Born | Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud 20 October 1854 Charleville, France |
Died | 10 November 1891 (aged 37) Marseille, France |

George Gershwin (died aged 38 years, 9 months)
Felix Mendelssohn (died aged 38 years, 8 months)
Henry Purcell (died aged 36 years, 2 months)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ( died aged 35 years, 10 months)
Franz Schubert (died aged 31 years, 9 months)
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Rav Avigdor Miller on Rebbes Are Ladders
Rav Avigdor Miller on Rebbes Are
Q: Why are the Satmerer chassidim
fighting the Lubavitcher chassidim? Do you approve of this?
A: Now if you’re chassidim, you’re
going to have to bear with me because I’m going to hurt your feelings. There is
a basic weakness in all chassidim. The basic weakness is “My Rebbe” “My Rebbe”
is a wonderful thing. It accomplishes a lot of good things – but it causes a
lot of trouble too. Before chassidim, all Jews said “My Hakodosh Boruch Hu!”
and that’s all. However, when the Ba’al Shem Tov saw that a lot of Jews had
stopped saying that, so he said that it’s better to say “My Rebbe” than not to say
anything at all. And if you say long enough “My Rebbe”, in the course of time
you’ll say “My Hakodosh Boruch Hu” too. But there have been very many plain
people who never graduate past the “My Rebbe” stage. And therefore “My Rebbe,” “Your
Rebbe,” and they scratch out the eyes of each other. That’s a weakness.
If you advance beyond that stage, all
rebbes are “My Rebbe.” All rebbes! The Satmerer Rebbe! Ahh! Zol ehr lang
leiben! A wonderful man. He’s a big
warrior; and he accomplished for us so much. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, zol ehr
lang leiben! He accomplished so much and
he is accomplishing. They should both be our rebbes.
But when someone says “only this
one,” and the other person says “only this one,” then trouble comes. And that’s
the basic weakness.
It shouldn’t be because people are
supposed to graduate. A rebbe is only a ladder. You climb up on your ladder. The
rebbe makes it easier to climb to Hakodosh Boruch Hu. But if a man just stands
on the ladder and never reaches the shelf, then we tell him, “What are you
standing there for?!” There are a lot of people standing on ladders. This one
says, “My ladder is better,” and this one says, “My ladder is better.” So we
tell them, “Get going already. Go higher!” And that causes trouble.
TAPE # 165 (April 1976), 1:06:46- 1:08:59
Friday, July 15, 2022
Rav Moshe Sternbuch on Abortion from
From Rav Moshe Speaks: An Anthology of Talks by HaRav HaGaon Rav Moshe Sternbuch (1988):
"Judaism regards all forms of human life, from the time of fertilization of the egg until death, as life which may not be destroyed...
"Shabbos may only be desecrated if there is danger to life, yet it may be desecrated for a foetus less than 40 days old...
"The destruction of human life, created by the Alm-ghty, is strictly forbidden...
"These laws keep mankind on a high level of morality. Murder of the foetus may be a good solution for parents who want to rid themselves of a burden, but the foetus who suffocates and dies in the process of abortion cannot talk and express its feelings at being suffocated and murdered...
"Every human life has meaning and no person may, on his own, decide that the life of another is devoid of meaning and therefore expendable, even if that person is his or her own child."
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
He just made my day
In response to a question from a husband who believes his wife isn’t a bar seichel because she is opposed to vaccines, Rabbi Gershon Ribner, shlita, said, “I don’t know anything in the medical field to know if she’s being a bar seichel or not. I’m not proficient in medicine. I give all my attention to being proficient in Torah law. So I wouldn’t know what to answer that.”
The rabbi then proceeded to discuss how to handle shalom bayis when there is such a disagreement between spouses.
Rabbi Gershon Ribner is the son-in-law of Rav
Shneur Kotler and he just made my day. We need more rabbis like this.
Sunday, July 10, 2022
gain from what the nations have to offer to us
Q: Do we gain the maximum benefit by staying to ourselves,
separate from the goyim? Wouldn’t it be beneficial for us to gain
from what the nations have to offer to us?
A: When you see an airplane take off for Eretz Yisroel, and inside there are many
people going to yeshivos to learn in Eretz Yisroel, that’s an example where we are
taking advantage of what the gentiles have to offer us. R’ Akiva Eiger didn’t invent an
airplane, and neither did the Vilna Gaon invent the airplane. The goyim invented it.
So we say, absolutely; utilize all that we can from the inventions of the goyim. Even
the scientific knowledge that the goyim have discovered we use. Make use of
everything; whatever we can we take it for ourselves.
Now, I think that when Moshiach will come, we’ll still use automobiles; we won’t
give up automobiles. The world will continue to run like it does today. The Gemara
says that. And if there will be automobiles, so there will have to be traffic lights too.
Traffic lights were invented by the goyim but there will be traffic lights too in the
time of Moshiach. On the contrary, there will be halachos, takanos chachomim: If a
person passes a red light, he’ll get malkos, lashes. No question about it. There will be
very severe penalties. That’s very important for us – for safety, piku’ach nefesh.
We’ll make use in Moshiach’s times of all the good takanos. I’m sure they’ll use
radio to let people know dinim, halachos, other important information; and people
will listen to Torah on the radio. And in those days there will be a kosher TV. Kosher
TV means people will sit in their homes and will look at the TV and they will see
tzaddikim teaching Torah and explaining things – halachos, and middos tovos, and
even halachos of Yom Tov and halachos of Shabbos on TV; and it will be much more
effective than merely words or printed pages. I’m sure all the modern inventions will
be utilized in the days of Moshiach. Therefore, certainly we want to make use of the
benefits the goyim bring to the world.
R' Avigdor Miller Zt"
Toras Avigdor
"Greatness of Jewish Women"