Thursday, January 22, 2015

Yet Another Melave Malke, this time in Monsey

KAJ Monsey is hosting a Melave Malka Motzei Shabbos Parshas Terumah - Saturday night February 21, 2015 to be held in the Shul downstairs.

I thought perhaps the TIDE Society might have another mini get-together within the Melave Malka. I don't know about you, but I feel like a sole practitioner of TIDE much of the time and would benefit from an actual face to face with some other believers in this derech. So if you'd like to attend, let me know and I'll contact KAJ Monsey for you.  I can be reached at
Note, KAJ events are done in good German form, with actual place settings and people that don't double dip their chips. They are dignified yet down to earth affairs. I really enjoy them.

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