Sunday, April 26, 2015

Encapsulation of the TIDE Challenge

Moshe Koppel in his Tradition article Yiddishkeit Without Ideology: A Letter to My Son said the following, "Moreover, the yeshivish rule that "if it's not Jewish, we don't like it" was flipped in the modern Orthodox world to read "if we like it, it's Jewish."

The TIDE person does something else, a hybrid of the two. He can like and accept something even if its immediate source is not Jewish but he checks it out vigorously against Torah literature and through Torah sages. It doesn't become Jewish just because he likes it.


  1. I read that article years ago and remember finding it very on target and correct in many ways. I have to read it again when I get a chance.

  2. When Charedim become MO, they usually retain elements of their prior outlook and wind up an interesting hybrid, often retaining truths of both.
