"Most of the synagogues in Frankfurt were severely damaged or destroyed by the Nazis on Kristallnacht. These included the synagogues at Alt Heddernheim 33,[6] Börneplatz,[7] Börnestraße,[8] Conrad-Weil-Gasse,[9] Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße,[10] Friedberger Anlage 5-6,[11] Hermesweg 5-7,[12] Inselgasse 9,[13] Marktplatz (Ortsteil Höchst),[14] Obermainanlage 8,[15] Ostendstraße 18,[16] Rechneigrabenstraße 5 (Niederhofheim'sche Synagoge),[17] Schloßstraße 5,[18] and Unterlindau 21.[19]
"The deportation of the Jewish residents to their deaths in the East quickened in pace after Kristallnacht. Their property and valuables were stolen by the Gestapo before deportation, and they were subjected to extreme violence and sadism during transport to the stations for the cattle wagons which carried them east. Most ended up in new ghettoes established by the Nazis such as the Warsaw Ghetto before their murder in camps such as Sobibor, Belzec and Treblinka."
"Memorial to the 11,134 Frankfurt citizens killed during the Holocaust -Anne Frank's name is located in the center of the picture with a rock placed on her memorial."
Friedberger Anlage 5-6
Basic information see more detail information in a English / German version
City: Frankfurt am Main
Street: Friedberger Anlage 5-6
Federal State: Hesse
Begin of Use: Before January 1, 1933
End of use: November 9 - 10, 1938
in the Nazi Years: November 10th. 1938 Building set on fire but exterior appearance still visible
Today's Use
of Location: Public use, see commentary
at Location: Memorial place, Memorial sculpture
External Contributions: Bilder: 0 - Zeitzeugenberichte: 0 - Kommentare: 0 - Links: 1
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